Price Drop vs. Rate Drop ( SBD )

If you're buying in today's real estate market, we understand the challenges you've been facing with inventory over the last few years. But, the higher interest rates are causing affordability issues to bubble up in our market.
So with that said the listing agent for this property wanted to help with those new affordability issues.
The Agent and his seller have agreed to provide the buyer with TWO choices to help them purchase this home.
Choice 1: You and your family can take $10,000 off the sales price
Choice 2: You could offer the total price, and I could help you structure the same $10,000 discount on the contract to avoid predatory lending, and get it approved here inside the bank, to buy down your interest rate, called a Seller Buy Down.
The video above lays out all the options to help you make Victoria St. more affordable in today's real estate market.